Monday 12 October 2015

Mingling with “SHIENCE”!

By James Ball

SO how do I start this week's Blog Post? . . . Yes That Will Work . . .  BLAM! Shiny Creepy Hollow Face!

Next week Blog post will will been even more creepier when I have an actual texture on.

So . . . Quixle. A bit of advice to anyone buying this piece of lovely software in Australia the pricing they have on their site is in American Dollars and not Australian Dollars. so the final price ended up being about $74 Australian. This is also a software that is still in development and still has a couple of bugs that need fixing but that aside, this is a powerful program for what it is and how fast you can ic tan produce a PBR Rendered object. I still have a whole lot more to learn about this program and in the not too distant future it look like there is a massive up update coming. Speaking of Massive, I would also love to try out and play around with that software one day, you know, MASSIVE the software they used to create the armies in Lord of the Rings. 

 Image 1: Massive Rendered Crowd

For the last week it has been fixing up and correcting documentation and getting down to creating concept art for our group assignment in ANI210 and getting it all compiled together for monday. Also  I’m sorry but we’ve unofficially decided to keep a veil of secrecy on this artwork and anything associated with “Project Bunri” under wraps till further notice. Like a real Game or Design Company would. Give it a couple of weeks maybe.

On Thursday evening I went along to a Q&A Session with Robert Stephenson one of my class mate’s and listened to Dreamworks Studio Rep Susan Erokan (previously Production Supervisor for Character Animation at Dreamworks Animation for 12 years) that was a very informative evening and what was great about it was afterwards talking and mingling with not only Susan but also Aaron Welch of Red Bird Creative Perth and friends from the Trimester ahead of me.

About a hour after I posted my Blog post last week I went to see the Ridley Scott Film adaptation of The Martian. Great movie, and they really Science the Shit out of it. If you haven’t read the book then go listen to the audio copy illegally here and remember you didn’t see this from me.

So this is some NASA news that they really didn’t make a BIG announcement for like they did with the Flowing Water on  Mars thing.  Red Water Ice and Blue Atmosphere on Pluto. NASA, Never A Straight Answer. in their defence however they did have an article about it on the front page of there website, so yeh.

 Image 2: global mosaic of pluto in true colour

Finally if you’re one of the few regular reader I have on my blog you may have noticed a layout change. I’m going to roll with it for a little while I think but do let me know what you think. Also a shameless Plug must also go to my website which I have recently given a facelift and Mobile interactivity you can view it here.

And no I’m not going to make anyone else a website I’ve already spent too long making it look the way it is. But that’s enough ranting for one blog post.

So as always, this is Ballzy247 signing out.


Image 1: Massive Rendered Crowd, Retrieved on 11/10/2015 from -

Image 2: global mosaic of pluto in true colour Retrieved on 11/10/2015 from -

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