Friday 12 June 2015

TRIMESTER 2 and a Story!

By James Ball

So Trimester 2 at SAE Insitute Perth Campus has gone off quit smoothly. Again, I'm studying 4 units which are as follows:

- Fundamentals of Animation
- Production 1
- 3D Character Design and Animation
- And lastly the Unit I'm writing this blog post for . . . Creative Industry Unit.

I'll begin by giving a quick overview of what we are to do in the next 11 weeks.

Fundamentals of Animation: in this unit we study the basic principles of animation by creating a flip book with various animation techniques and a walk cycle.

Production 1: We are put into teams and are asked to create an Animatic for a new pilot show based at 12 year old's that would watch ABC3 . . . Look out for update posts about this in the future.

3D Character Design and Animation: For this unit, our main objective is to design a concept for a human character model it up with clothing on, in 3DS Max. UV Unwrap, texture, rig animate and make a final show reel.

Creative Industry Unit: This is the Unit where we have to begin to make a name for our selves and begin to network with peers, staff, local and international people related to our field of study and finally go to expos, events and meetups.

Okay so as I promised in the title . . . A Story!

What kind of story you ask?

A real life story person who is reading this.

So I was on the train going up to Uni reading a concept art book as you do to pass the time of the 50 min train ride and woman who looked to be in her 30's comments on the book I'm reading.

Her: Aren't you a little to old to be reading picture books

Me: Nope

Her: Why not, what are you studying then?

Me: Animation.

Her: *Gasp* That must be one lazy course your studying then because isn't it just picture?

Me: Sure, It's just Pictures! . . . Do you know how many "Pictures" there are in a second of film?

Her; Yeah 24.

Me: So If I wanted to make a 5 min animation then how many Pictures would I need to draw?

Her: Um . . . i don't know.

Me: Well there is 240 frames for 10 seconds of animation and there is 300 seconds in 5 minutes.

Her: *Thinking* So 240 times 6 is . . . 1440 frames, then I would times that by 5 right?

Me: Right!

Her: So 1440 times 5 is . . . 7200 frames for 5 minutes of animation.

Me: So do you still think animation is lazy?

Her: Well it's still just pictures isn't it?

Me: *Face palm*

I was a bit annoyed after that and lucky for me she hopped off at the next station and could get back to my book.

Why do people always have to think this is to do right.

As always, this is James Ball Signing Out!

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